Publishing Scotland Translation Fund

Priority will be given to the translation of contemporary literature, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, writing for children and graphic novels. Assessment criteria will also include the merit of the work to be translated, financial need of the publisher, track record of publisher and translator, and the proposed marketing plan. An expert panel will meet twice a year to assess applications.
For more details, see the Press Release of 25 August 2015. Before applying, please read the terms and conditions. To apply, complete the application form and send it to Lucy Feather by 27 November 2015.
European Union
The EU's new Creative Europe programme offers funding opportunities for the translation of European fiction. The maximum grant available is €100,000, for the translation of 3 to 10 books. There is also (in 2014 and 2016) the opportunity to apply for 'framework' agreements for the translation of 5-10 books a year for 3-4 years, which is up to €100,000 a year. The applicants must bepublishing houses or publishing groups looking to translate works of fiction from/into specified member state languages. Welsh and Scottish Gaelic are also eligible.The next deadline is 3 February 2016. This fund has an annual deadline. Details appear on the CreativeEuropeUK website.
Translation into English, Scots or Gaelic
List of language-based organisations that provide information, support and/or funding for publishers interested in translating and publishing books from that language into another language.
Canadian support for translation other than French or English: Canada Council for the Arts
Catalan: Ramon Llull Institute
Danish: Danish Arts Council
Estonian: TRADUCTA funded by The Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Finnish: Finnish Literature Exchange
Flemish: Flemish Literature Fund
French: The French Institute UK
German: New Books in German
Hungarian: Hungarian Books and Translation Office
Icelandic: Icelandic Literature Fund
Irish: Irish Literature Exchange
Italian: Cultural Division of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Cultural Division of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering funding - either a "prize" or a "contribution" - to publishers for the translation into English of an Italian literary or scientific work:
- prize if the book has already been translated, published and on sale in the foreign market
- contribution as an incentive to the future translation of an Italian work which will be published.
There are two deadlines a year: 30 April and 31 October. Apply using the application form (download Word version). The Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Edinburgh is happy to supply more information. E: or phone 0131 668 2232.
Japanese: Japan Foundation
Latvian: Latvian Literature Centre
Lithuanian: Books from Lithuania
The Lithuanian Culture Institute promotes Lithuanian literature and Lithuania's authors in the world. It runs the Translation promotion program and organises publishers' visits to Lithuania, especially during the Vilnius Book Fair, the biggest in the Baltics (held each February). The LCI has recently launched its new website - (more info in English coming soon). Lithuania will be the market focus (along with Estonia and Latvia) at the 2018 London Book Fair.
Norwegian: Norwegian Literature Abroad (NORLA)
Polish: The Poland Translation Programme (The Polish Book Institute)
Portugese: Directorate of Books and Libraries (DGLB, Portugal)
Slovenian: Trubar Foundation
Spanish: New Spanish Books
Swedish: Swedish Arts Council
Swiss books: Pro Helvetia
Turkish: TEDA Project
Welsh: Wales Literature Exchange
Other useful sources of information
British Centre for Literary Translation website: This website lists opportunities including funding and competitions.
PEN Translates Award: This award will fund up to 75% of translation costs for selected projects. When a publisher's annual turnover is less than £100,000 it will consider supporting up to 100% of translation costs.