1. “How’s your father,” “Rumpy pumpy,” “Good rogering”
Meaning: To have sex, sexual relations, get “your groove on.”
2. “Going to play some footy”
Meaning: Going to play soccer.
3. “I’ll give you a bunch of fives”
Meaning: You’re going to get a punch in the face.
4. “That was a right bodge job”
Meaning: That job went wrong.
5. “Oh bloomin ‘eck”
Meaning: A non-curse word exclamation.
6. “That’s pants”
Meaning: It’s not great, not very good.
7. “I’m knackered”
Meaning: I’m tired, exhausted.
8. “Don’t get shirty with me,” “Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” “You’re getting on my goat,” “Wind your neck in”
Meaning: Someone’s getting angry or aggravated with you…or you’re getting annoyed or
irritated with them.
9. “ I was gobsmacked”
Meaning: I was shocked, lost for words.
10. “She was talking nineteen to the dozen”
Meaning: She was talking at a speedy rate.
11. “It’s all gone pear shaped”
Meaning: Something has gone wrong.
12. “She’s a picnic short of a sandwich,” “She’s a slice short of a loaf”
Meaning: She’s a little dopey, not very clever.
13. “She’s as bright as a button”
Meaning: She’s clever.
14. “He’s as mad as box of frogs,” “He’s crackers”
Meaning: He’s mad. He’s lost it.
15. “Spend a penny,” “Going for a slash”
Meaning: To visit the bathroom.
16. “Well that’s thrown a spanner in the works”
Meaning: Plans have gone awry, a curveball has been thrown.
17. “We’re having a right old knees up,” “Heading out on the tiles,”“Out on the lash”
Meaning: To go out for the night to have a good time. To party.
18. “I’m out on the pull tonight”
Meaning: To go out looking for a lady or man with whom to enjoy a romantic liason (see #1.). To get ‘laid’.
19. “I’m going to get off with him / her”
Meaning: I’m going to kiss / snog that person.
19. “I’m quids in” / I’m skint,” / “Have you got any dosh?”
Meaning: You’ve come into money / You have no money / You’re asking someone if they have any money.
20. “Sweet Fanny Adams”
Meaning: Nothing, such as when being asked what you did for the day or what you’re currently doing.
21. “It’s just Sod’s law”
Meaning: Same as ‘Murphy’s Law’ — what’s going to happen, will happen.
22. “It’s parky out” or “It’s brass monkeys out”
Meaning: It’s cold outside.
23. “She’s such a curtain twitcher” or “Stop being such a nose ointment”
Meaning: She’s a nosy neighbor, stop being so nosy.
24. “Did you see her? She’s such a chav”
Meaning: A British stereotype for a ‘low class’ person or someone wearing ‘cheap’ clothes.
25. “That’s smashing,” “Super,” “Ace,” “Pucker”
Meaning: That’s “awesome.”
26. “Did you just fluff?” “Did you just pop?”
Meaning: Did you just fart?
27. “He’s the dog’s danglies,” “It’s the mutt’s nuts”
Meaning: He’s the best, it’s the best. Top notch.
28. “Nice baps,” “Look at those bristols,” “Look at those rose buds”
Meaning: Nice breasts.
29. “Old Blighty”
Meaning: Britain.
30. “Oh, he’s a Bobby,” “They call him PC plod”
Meaning: He’s a policeman / cop.
31. “I’ll ring you,” “I’ll give you a bell,” “I’ll give you a tinkle”
Meaning: I’ll call you.
32. “He’s such a plonker,” “ponce,” “pillock,” “tosser,” “ twit,” “knob,” “bellend”
Meaning: He’s not very nice / He’s an idiot.
33. “Stop being such a big girl’s blouse”
Meaning: Stop being such a wimp.
34. “Toodle Pip!” “Ta ta!”
Meaning: Goodbye.
35. “I’m just having a fag”
Meaning: I’m just having a cigarette.
36. “I’m totally cack-handed”
Meaning: I’m not coordinated.
37. “He’s such an anorak”
Meaning: He’s such a geek.
38. “Don’t be such a wind-up merchant”
Meaning: Stop teasing.
39. “Having a good old chinwag”
Meaning: Having a gossip / chat.
40. “She’s got a face like a bag full of spanners” / “She has a face like a cat’s arse”
Meaning: She’s not very attractive / She is pulling a ‘sour’ face.
41. “Meat and two veg”
Meaning: A man’s ‘private parts’
42. “She’s so gobby”
Meaning: She’s very mouthy, rude.
43. “She / he / it’s minging”
Meaning: She / he / it’s not very nice, disgusting.
44. “That’s mint, that is”
Meaning: Mint condition, perfect.
45. “Careful, he’s on the chunder bus”
Meaning: He’s going to be sick, throw up.
46. “Oh stop whinging on”
Meaning: Stop moaning.
47. “You look smart”
Meaning: You are well dressed.
48. “That’s lush”
Meaning: That’s nice, or that tastes good.
49. “I’m feel really grotty”
Meaning: Feeling under the weather, not well.
50. “Ta!”
Meaning: Thanks!