Farah Elahi, 57, of Waukesha, Wis., is a court interpreter.

Q. How did you get started as an interpreter?
A. In 2008, I moved to the U.S., to New York, from Pakistan, where I had practiced law. To do so in the U.S., I would have had to go back to school and get a law degree here. A staff member at UpwardlyGlobal.org, which helps immigrants rebuild their careers, suggested this field. I speak Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi. I took an exam for New York court interpreters, qualified, and worked in the city.
Why did you move to Wisconsin?
My son enrolled in college here three years ago and I wanted to be with him, so my husband and I moved. The New York court system sent information about my qualifications so that I could interpret in the Wisconsin state court system.
What types of cases do you help with, and how long do they run?
I help with both civil and criminal cases, and I also interpret for people in family court. I’ve been involved in domestic abuse, robbery, fraud, sexual assault and child custody cases. They usually last from three to five days. Hearings are shorter. Most end within two hours.
What are some of the best things about the job?
People with my background, especially women, appear relieved when they see me. They seem to open up to me because I’m a woman. Also, this job gives me the opportunity to look into people’s lives. You realize that no matter where a person is from, we all have the same needs.
What’s one of your least favorite things about the job?
It can be emotionally draining when I see that things are not going well for the person for whom I’m interpreting.
How often does the court call you?
It varies. I may work a few times a month, but other times I’m not needed for several months. New York had a larger Pakistani and Indian population. I’d like to work three or four times a week. My husband has a master’s degree in history and was hoping to teach here but was unable to find a job. Luckily, we had some savings and we have friends and family who help out, which is common in our part of the world. This is how we pull each other up.

Vocations asks people about their jobs. Interview conducted and condensed by Patricia R. Olsen.
