How much can we rely on translation software?

Online translators are becoming more sophisticated, but these tools get risky when they’re used in situations where texts are longer – use with caution, says Anne Merritt.

These days, social media outlets like Facebook and Twitt
er offer automatic translation options on text. Not only can users translate messages from contacts abroad, they can stay updated on global events like the Arab Spring and the current violence in Egypt, bypassing the language barrier to get the updates in real time.

While, Google Translate is arguably the most well-known online translator, Microsoft’s Bing is becoming a close competitor.
Both Bing and Google translation software use a type of computational linguistics called Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). This method uses vast databases of human-translated documents (books, websites, UN texts) to track patterns in the translations and draw parallels between traits of the languages.
Rather than a word-by-word dictionary translation, this technology looks at word combinations and common patterns, so it can estimate the conjugations and structure of a text. In theory, the more translation data it obtains, the more refined its pattern-tracking can become, so the translation software is constantly improving.
While softwares are becoming more intuitive and more sophisticated, there are inevitable shortcomings. So how reliable is translation software?
As far as the technology stands now, there are some common flaws that can occur. While SMT is developed to track phrases and other chunks of language, these systems don’t always catch the thousands of common phrases (like “get over it” or “hard to pull off”) that exist in any language.
Moreover, these translators aren’t sophisticated enough to accommodate the syntax of longer texts.
While these softwares can give you grammatically correct translations of simple sentences like “I went swimming,” they’ll likely get muddled on a sentence like “I would have gone swimming yesterday, but the weather was so lovely that I took a walk instead.”
Of course, these tools still do an impressive job, and despite some errors, readers can typically get the gist of a translation. In short texts such as recipes, directions, or Tweets, online translations tend to involve minimal guesswork.
However, these tools get risky when they’re used in situations where texts are longer and details are more critical, such as at work or in academia.
As an ESL teacher, I witness a handful of student essays each semester that have been run through some kind of translator. I think every language teacher will agree when I say that yes, we can always tell. Often, hefty portions of the text are just incomprehensible.
But imperfect translations may not simply confuse readers; they can also mislead or even offend readers. In the advertising world, there have been many high-profile instances of slogan mistranslation in foreign marketing campaigns.
Pepsi’s “Come alive” was translated in Chinese ads as “We bring your ancestors back from the grave.” The American Dairy Association’s “Got Milk?” campaign translated in Mexico as “Are you lactating?” And McDonald's Big Mac was initially going to go by a different name in France – 'Gros Mec' – until the company realised that the English translated to “Big Pimp.”
While these blunders make for funny stories, they’re also cautionary tales for anyone looking to use translation software in the workplace.
When working in foreign language, it is not simply translation that brings meaning to a text, but also cultural subtleties, double meanings, and local slang. Until a well-tested Babel fish hits the market, translation software should be used with caution.